Our Supporters 2024-2025
We are grateful to our community sponsors and supporters for enabling this program to occur through their generous donations, sponsorships, and grants.

Funding disclaimer: American Rescue Plan Act GEER, Reverted EANS Funding received from the USDOE support the implementation of this project. The project has an award totaling $6.6 million dollars of which 100% is federally funded and directly attributed to project implementation. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by the USDOE or the U.S. Government.
Become part of a growing network that values rural Maine communities. Your donation helps provide unique educational experiences and support to teachers and students in rural Maine that connect them to their forested communities, authentic solutions work, and natural resource related careers.
To donate to our program, please contact Korah Soll at korah@ruralaspirations.org